

To get started with the product information API suite, follow these steps: 

  1. Prerequisites for access and development.
  2. Authenticate to receive an access token.
  3. Learn how to query publicly available product data.
  4. Learn how to retrieve parametric, quality and reliability data.


Step 1: Prerequisites


Only approved customers can build applications using the TI store product API suite. To obtain approval:

  1. Create a myTI account or log in to your existing myTI account.
  2. Create a myTI company account.
  3. Click Request on the API Keys and Access page.


Step 2: Authenticate


TI has secured its API suites with OAuth 2.0. Use your API key and secret to authenticate. After authorization, OAuth2 returns an access token to use with APIs in the suite you have enabled. For more details, see the Authentication page.

curl --request POST \   
       --url 'https://transact.ti.com/v1/oauth/accesstoken' \   
       --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \   
       --data grant_type=client_credentials \   
       --data client_id=<<INSERT YOUR CLIENT KEY>> \   
       --data client_secret=<<INSERT YOUR SECRET>>


Step 3: Query product information


The example below, illustrating how to retrieve TI product information, is querying part number AFE7799. For a list of all parameters related to products, see the documentation shown on the Product Information API page

Request example: 

curl --request GET \   
--url 'https://transact.ti.com/v1/products/AFE7799' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \

Response for a successful request:

  "ChangeOrderWindow": "STD",
  "DatasheetUrl": "http://ti.com/lit/gpn/AFE7799",
  "Description": "Quad-channel RF transceiver with dual feedback paths",
  "ExportControlClassificationNumber": "EAR99",
  "ExtendedShelfLife": false,
  "FullBoxQty": 126,
  "GenericProductIdentifier": "AFE7799",
  "HtsCode": "8542390001",
  "Identifier": "AFE7799IABJ",
  "IndustryPackageType": "NFBGA",
  "InventoryStatus": "In-Stock",
  "JedecCode": "S-PBGA-N",
  "LeadTimeWeeks": "8",
  "Length": 15,
  "LifeCycleStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "LifetimeBuy": false,
  "MaterialContentUrl": "http://www.ti.com/materialcontent/en/search?partNumber=AFE7799IABJ&partType=tiPartNumber",
  "MaxHeight": 1.8,
  "MilitaryGoods": true,
  "MinOrderQty": 630,
  "NextIncrementQty": 126,
  "Obsolete": false,
  "OkayToOrder": true,
  "PackageCarrier": "JEDEC TRAY (10+1)",
  "PackageGroup": "QFN",
  "PackageType": "ZBV",
  "Pin": 289,
  "Pitch": 0.8,
  "Price": {
    "Quantity": 1000,
    "Value": 1
  "ProductFamilyDescription": "RF-sampling transceivers",
  "QualityEstimatorUrl": "http://www.ti.com/quality/docs/estimator.tsp?OPN=AFE7799IABJ&partNumber=AFE7799IABJ&partType=tiPartNumber",
  "StandardPackQty": 126,
  "StopShip": false,
  "Thickness": 1.25,
  "Url": "http://www.ti.com/product/AFE7799",
  "Width": 15


Step 4: Query product orchestrated information


The example below, showing how to retrieve TI product parametric, quality and reliability data, is querying part number AFE7799. Use the standard product information API with the individual data endpoints if you do not need the basic parametric and quality details in one call, as the orchestrated API has a slower response time. For a list of all provided parameters related to the product numbers, see the documentation shown on the Product Information Orchestrated API page.

Request example:

curl --request GET \   
--url 'https://transact.ti.com/v1/products-extended/AFE7799?page=0' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \

Example response:

  "Product": {
    "ChangeOrderWindow": "STD",
    "DatasheetUrl": "http://ti.com/lit/gpn/AFE7799",
    "Description": "Quad-channel RF transceiver with dual feedback paths",
    "ExportControlClassificationNumber": "EAR99",
    "ExtendedShelfLife": false,
    "FullBoxQty": 126,
    "GenericProductIdentifier": "AFE7799",
    "HtsCode": "8542390001",
    "Identifier": "AFE7799IABJ",
    "IndustryPackageType": "NFBGA",
    "InventoryStatus": "In-Stock",
    "JedecCode": "S-PBGA-N",
    "LeadTimeWeeks": "8",
    "Length": 15,
    "LifeCycleStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "LifetimeBuy": false,
    "MaterialContentUrl": "http://www.ti.com/materialcontent/en/search?partNumber=AFE7799IABJ&partType=tiPartNumber",
    "MaxHeight": 1.8,
    "MilitaryGoods": true,
    "MinOrderQty": 630,
    "NextIncrementQty": 126,
    "Obsolete": false,
    "OkayToOrder": true,
    "PackageCarrier": "JEDEC TRAY (10+1)",
    "PackageGroup": "QFN",
    "PackageType": "ZBV",
    "Pin": 289,
    "Pitch": 0.8,
    "Price": {
      "Quantity": 1000,
      "Value": 1
    "ProductFamilyDescription": "RF-sampling transceivers",
    "QualityEstimatorUrl": "http://www.ti.com/quality/docs/estimator.tsp?OPN=AFE7799IABJ&partNumber=AFE7799IABJ&partType=tiPartNumber",
    "StandardPackQty": 126,
    "StopShip": false,
    "Thickness": 1.25,
    "Url": "http://www.ti.com/product/AFE7799",
    "Width": 15
  "Quality": {
    "AutomotiveQualification": true,
    "CommodityGroup": "string",
    "DieSize": "10.0 x 10.0 UM",
    "DefectivePartsPerMillion": "691",
    "FailuresInTime": "1.0",
    "MeanTimeBetweenFailures": "5390000000",
    "ProcessTechnology": [
  "Parametric": {
    "Description": "string",
    "Range": {
      "Min": "string",
      "Max": "string"
    "Type": "string",
    "Unit": "string",
    "UnitDescription": "string",
    "Value": "string"
  "Message": "string"


Step 5: Support