
To get started with the TI Backlog API suite, follow these steps: 

  1. Meet prerequisites for access and development 
  2. Receive customer identification codes 
  3. Review the typical ordering flow with the backlog API suite
  4. Authenticate to receive an access token
  5. Learn how to create and retrieve quotes for TI products
  6. Learn how to create a test order
  7. Learn how to access your order information
  8. Learn how to change an order 
  9. Learn how to retrieve shipment tracking
  10. Learn how to retrieve a financial document
  11. Learn how to create remittance advice
  12. Get support


Step 1: Prerequisites for setup and review onboarding process

Only approved customers can build applications using the backlog API suite. To obtain approval:

  1. Create a myTI account or log in to your existing myTI account
  2. Associate your myTI account with a company account  
  3. Log in to the API portal
  4. Review the customer onboarding process
  5. Submit the customer onboarding form and review
  6. Setup TI as a vendor in your internal system
  7. Review the API business guidebook for business and process knowledge


Step 2: Receive customer identification codes

  1. After completion of the customer onboarding form, TI will provide your site's customer identification codes. These codes are used for backlog API connectivity for orders, change orders and quotes. These codes also appear on various outbound documents sent to the customer:
    1. The ship-to code(s) is where TI ships product
    2. The end customer identification code is only for approved contract manufacturers (CMs) or customers purchasing on behalf of another customer
  2. TI's vendor information with banking details will also be provided with the customer identification codes through email notification
    1. The customer can access TI's vendor information and financial information through a linked PDF. This is provided to facilitate the vendor setup in your system. The PDF will include the TI mailing address, NAICS code, federal tax ID number, annual revenue, and standard payment information. The PDF also includes the link to our annual reports, citizenship report and quality certifications. Depending on your response to the customer onboarding form, we will indicate in this email notification the country of our bank for you to utilize in the vendor setup.


Step 3: Ordering flow overview

  1. TI Standard API format is retrieve, if API push is preferred, refer to API Business Guidebook
  2. Authenticate with your assigned API key and secret
  3. Ensure that the part(s) you intend to order are included in your TI pricing agreement, if not you could create a quote
  4. Build your order with your desired payload and post to the backlog order API
  5. The API will reply with a status code, 201 Created, and a JSON containing order acknowledgement
  6. Query the backlog order API for the order status and additional order details
  7. After order shipment, retrieve shipment tracking through the advanced ship notice (ASN) retrieve API and invoices through the financial document retrieve API
  8. The remittance advice API is mandatory. Call the remittance advice API to send remittance information to TI
  9. Interested in seeing example code for each of these steps? Download our example code


Step 4: Authenticate

TI API suites are secured with OAuth 2.0. Prior to using the API suite, you must authenticate and obtain an access token.  See the Authentication page for more details.

curl --request POST \   
       --url https://transact.ti.com/v1/oauth/accesstoken \   
       --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \   
       --data grant_type=client_credentials \   
       --data client_id=<<INSERT YOUR CLIENT KEY>> \   
       --data client_secret=<<INSERT YOUR SECRET>>

Step 5: Create and retrieve quotes for TI products

Quote API enables authorized customers to create a quote within the TI enterprise system. A quote can be submitted for multiple parts and quantities. You will receive a quote number for your reference.  Quote responses are typically available in 30 minutes - 24 hours after submitting a quote. "quoteStatus" indicates whether a quote is Accepted, Rejected or Changed; "status" indicates whether a line item is Pending, Bid or No Bid. For more details, see the backlog quote API page.

Create quote request example:

curl --request POST \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/quotes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- <<DATA
  "quote": {
    "endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
    "requestedUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
    "lineItems": [
        "tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
        "quantity": 2500,
        "requestedUnitPrice": 1.2

Create quote response example:

	"quotes": [
			"customerQuoteNumber": "1682303429187",
			"quoteNumber": "26716901",
			"quoteReason": "NO",
			"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
			"quoteStatus": "Accept",
			"quoteStartDate": "2023-04-23T00:00:00Z",
			"quoteEndDate": "2023-10-20T00:00:00Z",
			"lineItems": [
					"tiLineItemNumber": 10,
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"quantity": 3000,
					"requestedUnitPrice": 1.2,
					"requestedUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"status": "Pending"

Retrieve quote request example:

curl --request GET \   
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/quotes/?quoteNumber={quoteNumber}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Retrieve quote response example:

	"quotes": [
			"customerQuoteNumber": "1682303429187",
			"quoteNumber": "26716901",
			"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
			"quoteStartDate": "2023-04-23T00:00:00Z",
			"quoteEndDate": "2023-10-20T00:00:00Z",
			"lineItems": [
					"tiLineItemNumber": "000010",
					"tiUnitPrice": 1.202,
					"tiUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"quantity": 3000,
					"requestedUnitPrice": 1.2,
					"requestedUnitPriceCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"status": "Bid",
					"orderLeadTime": 6,
					"minimumOrderQuantity": 1000,
					"nextOrderQuantityIncrement": 1000,
					"packageType": "TUBE",
					"restrictionOfHazardousSubstancesCompliant": "Y",
					"nonCancellableNonReturnable": false,
					"moistureLevel": "NC",
					"exportControlClassificationNumber": "EAR99",
					"paymentTerms": "Per Negotiated Terms",
					"messages": [
							"message": "Offered CDP is best"

Step 6: Create test order

Backlog test orders are simulated in our pre-production test environment and are specifically intended to assist in the development of the customer's application.  Information returned is simulated test data for demonstrative purposes only and does not represent processed information.  

Backlog test order create urlhttps://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders (pre-production)

  1. To place an order (test or production), the customer must be approved, setups configured and the onboarding process completed.
  2. Once the customer has successfully placed a test for both order create and change, follow the user acceptance testing scenarios in the API business guidebook to complete the testing phase.

When you are ready to place a production Backlog order, review all of the parameters that you would like to send in the request payload and use the Production versions of the Authentication and Backlog order create API (URLs: https://transact.ti.com/v1/oauth and https://transact.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders).  If you are experiencing connection timeouts, especially on orders with more than 30 line items, it is recommended that you set the connection timeout to 5 minutes to avoid timeout errors.

To learn more about test and production ordering, see the Backlog order API documentation page.

Example Backlog test order create request: 

curl --request POST \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- <<DATA
	"order": {
		"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
		"shipToAccountNumber": "123456",
		"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
		"lineItems": [
				"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
				"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
				"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.20,
				"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"schedules": [
						"requestedQuantity": 3000,
						"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01"
				"customerLineItemNumber": "2",
				"tiPartNumber": "DRV8304SRHAR",
				"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.00,
				"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"schedules": [
						"requestedQuantity": 5000,
						"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-11-01"

Example Backlog test order create response: 

	"orders": [
			"orderNumber": "1019659830",
			"orderDate": "2023-04-26 15:19:20",
			"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
			"orderStatus": "OPEN",
			"shiptoAccountNumber": "0000123456",
			"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
			"lineItems": [
					"tiLineItemNumber": "000010",
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
					"itemShipToAccountNumber": "123456",
					"status": "Not Delivered",
					"tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 3000,
					"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.20,
					"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"tiUnitPrice": 1.202,
					"tiCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"messages": [
							"code": "TI-TXT-051",
							"type": "INFO",
							"message": "Customer expected price mismatch to TI customer direct price. To fix send PO change with correct price. For help: support.ti.com/csm"
					"schedules": [
							"requestedQuantity": 3000,
							"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01",
							"confirmations": [
									"tiScheduleLineNumber": "0002",
									"scheduledQuantity": 3000,
									"estimatedShipDate": "2024-09-26",
									"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01",
									"estimatedDeliveryDateStatus": "Confirmed",
									"shippedQuantity": 0
					"tiLineItemNumber": "000020",
					"tiPartNumber": "DRV8304SRHAR",
					"customerLineItemNumber": "2",
					"itemShipToAccountNumber": "123456",
					"status": "Not Delivered",
					"tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 5000,
					"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.00,
					"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"tiUnitPrice": 1.00,
					"tiCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"schedules": [
							"requestedQuantity": 5000,
							"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-11-01",
							"confirmations": [
									"tiScheduleLineNumber": "0002",
									"scheduledQuantity": 5000,
									"estimatedShipDate": "2024-10-27",
									"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-11-01",
									"estimatedDeliveryDateStatus": "Confirmed",
									"shippedQuantity": 0

Step 7: Query order details

Using the backlog order retrieve API, you can access order details using your customer purchase order number or TI order number.  To learn more about ordering and available order details, see the Backlog order API documentation page.

Example order retrieve details using customer purchase order number:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders?customerPurchaseOrderNumber=TestPO-XYZ' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Example order retrieve details using supplier order number: 

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders?orderNumber=1019659830' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Example response:

	"orders": [
			"orderNumber": "1019659830",
			"orderDate": "2023-04-26 15:27:43",
			"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
			"orderStatus": "OPEN",
			"shipToAccountNumber": "0000123456",
			"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
			"lineItems": [
					"tiLineItemNumber": "000010",
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
					"itemShipToAccountNumber": "123456",
					"status": "Not Delivered",
					"tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 3000,
					"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.20,
					"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"tiUnitPrice": 1.202,
					"tiCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"messages": [
							"code": "TI-TXT-051",
							"type": "INFO",
							"message": "Customer expected price mismatch to TI customer direct price. To fix send PO change with correct price. For help: support.ti.com/csm"
					"schedules": [
							"requestedQuantity": 3000,
							"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01",
							"confirmations": [
									"tiScheduleLineNumber": "0002",
									"scheduledQuantity": 3000,
									"estimatedShipDate": "2024-09-26",
									"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01",
									"estimatedDeliveryDateStatus": "Confirmed",
									"shippedQuantity": 0
					"tiLineItemNumber": "000020",
					"tiPartNumber": "DRV8304SRHAR",
					"customerLineItemNumber": "2",
					"itemShipToAccountNumber": "123456",
					"status": "Not Delivered",
					"tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 5000,
					"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.00,
					"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"tiUnitPrice": 0.00,
					"tiCurrencyCode": "USD",
					"messages": [
							"code": "TI-TXT-005",
							"type": "INFO",
							"message": "Pricing could not be determined"
					"schedules": [
							"requestedQuantity": 5000,
							"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-11-01",
							"confirmations": [
									"tiScheduleLineNumber": "0002",
									"scheduledQuantity": 5000,
									"estimatedShipDate": "2024-10-27",
									"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2024-11-01",
									"estimatedDeliveryDateStatus": "Confirmed",
									"shippedQuantity": 0

Step 8: Learn how to change an order 

Key order data fields in the change order request payload must be an exact match to the original order request. These fields include:

  • customerPurchaseOrderNumber
  • customerLineItemNumber
  • tiPartNumber

Contact API support for assistance to test the change order API with your API test code.

Example of test order request:

	"order": {
		"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
		"shipToAccountNumber": "123456",
		"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
		"lineItems": [
				"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
				"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
				"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.20,
				"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"schedules": [
						"requestedQuantity": 3000,
						"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-10-01"

Test any of the following scenarios for order change using the backlog test orders change URL: https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders/changeByCustomerPurchaseOrderNumber (pre-production)

  1. Customer request date change - set CustomerItemChangeIndicator to "U", and modify CustomerRequestedDate  as needed.
  2. Customer request quantity change - set CustomerItemChangeIndicator to "U", and modify CustomerRequestedQuanity  as needed
  3. Customer expected Unit Price (+/-)  set CustomerItemChangeIndicator to "U", and modify CustomerExpectedUnitPrice  as needed

Modified example of orders change request:

curl --request POST \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders/changeByCustomerPurchaseOrderNumber' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- <<DATA
	"order": {
		"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
		"shipToAccountNumber": "123456",
		"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
		"lineItems": [
				"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
				"lineItemChangeIndicator": "U",
				"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
				"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.202,
				"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"schedules": [
						"requestedQuantity": 5000,
						"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-09-15"

How to cancel an order using the backlog test orders change URL: https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders/changeByCustomerPurchaseOrderNumber (pre-production)

  1.  Cancel order test scenario - To cancel the complete order, the CustomerItemChangeIndicator must be set to "X" for all items (1-n) in the order. To cancel an individual item(s), only list those items with the CustomerItemChangeIndicator set to "X" and remove all other items that should remain part of the order.

Modified example change orders request for cancellation:

curl --request POST \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/orders/changeByCustomerPurchaseOrderNumber' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- <<DATA
	"order": {
		"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "TestPO-XYZ",
		"shipToAccountNumber": "123456",
		"endCustomerCompanyName": "Company XYZ",
		"lineItems": [
				"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
				"lineItemChangeIndicator": "X",
				"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
				"customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 1.202,
				"customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
				"schedules": [
						"requestedQuantity": 5000,
						"requestedDeliveryDate": "2024-09-15"

Step 9: Learn how to retrieve shipment tracking

After packing your order, when it's ready to ship, TI generates shipment tracking information accessible through the advanced ship notification (ASN) API. The response includes detailed information regarding your shipment, such as shipment tracking number, carrier information and commercial invoices. The API is available in push or retrieve implementations. Contact API support for further instructions to test the ASN with your API test code.

Example request for retrieve:

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/advanced-shipment-notices?orderNumber=1111111111111' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Example response:

	"orderNumber": "1111111111111",
	"data": {
		"consolidatedInformation": [
				"estimatedDateOfArrival": "2023-03-28",
				"goodsIssueDate": "2023-03-23",
				"numberOfPallet": "1",
				"grossWeight": "1.200",
				"grossWeightUnitOfMeasure": "KG",
				"numberOfPieces": "1",
				"netWeight": "8.100",
				"netWeightUnitOfMeasure": "KG",
				"carrierShipmentMasterTrackingNumber": "30000001999999",
				"shippingDate": "2023-03-23",
				"shippingPoint": "9920",
				"shippingCondition": "EF",
				"modeOfTransport": "05",
				"buyerCode": "999999",
				"shipTrackReference": "30000001199999",
				"wayBillNumberList": [
						"wayBillNumber": "0423599999",
						"creationDate": "2023-03-23",
						"creationTime": "13:20:27"
				"commercialInvoiceList": [
						"commercialInvoiceNumber": "54901999999",
						"invoiceDate": "2023-03-23",
						"invoiceTime": "13:21:43",
						"incotermCode": "FCA",
						"incotermDescription": "BUYER'S FORWARDER",
						"invoiceValue": "5000.000",
						"currency": "USD"
				"shipToDetails": {
					"plantIdentifier": "0000111111",
					"companyName": "ACME WIDGET SOLUTIONS INC",
					"address1": "1234 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARADO",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "99999-9999",
					"countryCode": "US",
					"companyNameAdditionalDetail": "ACME SHIPPING DEPOT ORGANIZATIONS"
				"shipFromDetails": {
					"plantIdentifier": "9990",
					"companyName": "Texas Instruments Southeast Asia PL",
					"contactName": "GEROGE",
					"address1": "No. 56, ACORN Avenue",
					"city": "Singapore",
					"stateRegion": "SGP",
					"postalCode": "99999",
					"countryCode": "SG"
				"crossDockDetails": {
					"plantIdentifier": "0000999999"
				"manifestIdentifierList": {
					"manifestIdentifier": "009999999"
				"bookingOrderDetails": [
						"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "ABCD_9of10",
						"purchaseOrderDate": "2023-01-13",
						"passThrus": [
								"orderNumber": "1019609117",
								"passThru1": "ZHIC*00001*BP=0000111111",
								"passThru2": "ZHIC*00002*AG=111111",
								"passThru3": "ZHIC*00003*WE=111111"
						"packageDetails": [
								"packageHandlingUnitNumber": "0046677747",
								"packageContainerVolume": "2.116",
								"packageContainerVolumeUnitOfMeasure": "CDM",
								"packageLength": "23.000",
								"packageWidth": "23.000",
								"packageHeight": "4.000",
								"unitOfMeasure": "CM",
								"trackingNumber": "30000001144761",
								"numberOfLineItems": "1",
								"netWeight": "8.100",
								"grossWeight": "1.199",
								"weightUnitOfMeasure": "KG",
								"itemDetails": [
										"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
										"tiPartDescription": "QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE",
										"deliveryLineItemNumber": "000010",
										"deliveryDocumentNumber": "0620549184",
										"orderNumber": "1019609117",
										"lineItemNumber": "000010",
										"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "ABCD_9of10",
										"customerLineItemNumber": "1",
										"purchaseOrderDate": "2023-01-13",
										"numberOfUnitsShipped": "0000005000",
										"baseUnitOfMeasure": "EA",
										"grossWeight": "1.199",
										"netWeight": "8.100",
										"weightUnitOfMeasure": "KG",
										"commercialInvoiceNumber": "5490149743",
										"commercialInvoiceItem": "000001",
										"commercialInvoiceUnitprice": "1.000000",
										"commercialInvoiceValue": "5000.000000",
										"commercialInvoiceCurrency": "USD",
										"countryOfOriginCode": "CN",
										"countryOfOriginDescription": "China",
										"assemblyCountryOfOriginCode3Character": "CHN",
										"assemblyCountryOfOriginCode2Character": "CN",
										"assemblyCountryOfOriginDescription": "China",
										"harmonizedTariffScheduleExportCode": "85423900",
										"harmonizedTariffScheduleExportDescription": "OTHER ELECTRONIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (MIL)",
										"harmonizedTariffScheduleImportCode": "8542390001",
										"harmonizedTariffScheduleImportDescription": "Electronic integrated circuits Other",
										"confirmDate": "2023-03-23",
										"orderType": "TA",
										"deliveryLineItemTotalQuantity": "5000.000",
										"deliveryLineItemTotalQuantityUnitOfMeasure": "EA",
										"goodsIssueDate": "2023-03-23",
										"goodsIssueTime": "13:21:48",
										"shipTrackCodeList": [
												"shipTrackCode": "0444872ZFV",
												"chipCountryOfOriginCode3Character": "CHN",
												"chipCountryOfOriginCode2Character": "CN",
												"chipCountryOfOriginDescription": "China",
												"shipTrackCodeQuantity": "0000005000",
												"batchNumber": "1100044LGH",
												"shipDate": "2023-03-23",
												"dateCode": "2303+5"

Step 10: Learn how to retrieve financial document

The financial document API provides invoice information for payments. To retrieve an invoice using the financial document API, one of the following is required: order number, financial document number, delivery number or customer purchase order number.  When querying by date range, the start and end dates refer to the date the invoice was created. Financial documents become available after TI processes shipment.  The API is available in push or retrieve implementations.

To retrieve a PDF, see documentation for configuration options.

Contact API support for further instructions to test the financial document API retrieve with your API test code.


curl --request GET \
--url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/financial-documents?orderNumber=1111111111111' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \

Example response:

	"orderNumber": "1111111111111",
	"totalNumberOfDocuments": "2",
	"documents": [
			"documentType": "INVOICE",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "1111111111111",
			"documentCreatedDate": "2023-03-23",
			"status": "CLEARED",
			"currencyCode": "USD",
			"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10",
			"customerReferenceNumber": "1111111111111",
			"grossWeight": "8100.000",
			"netWeight": "8100.000",
			"weightUnit": "GRM",
			"carrier": "DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS",
			"documentValue": {
				"totalAmount": "5,312.50"
			"salesOrder": {
				"orderNumber": "1111111111111",
				"lineItemNumber": "000000",
				"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10",
				"purchaseOrderDate": "2023-01-13"
			"paymentTerms": {
				"incoterms1": "FCA",
				"incoterms2": "BUYER'S FORWARDER",
				"termsOfDelivery": "FCA BUYER'S FORWARDER",
				"termsOfPayment": "Net 45 Days from Invoice Date",
				"paymentTermsText": [
						"SupplierPaymentTermsText": "Up to 05/07/2023 without deduction"
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryNumber": "1111111111111",
				"deliveryLineItemNumber": "000000",
				"deliveryDate": "2023-04-02",
				"goodsMovementDate": "2023-03-23"
			"waybill": {
				"waybillNumber": "1111111111111",
				"containerIdentifier": "30000001144761",
				"numberOfBoxes": "1"
			"partners": [
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Sender",
					"name1": "Texas Instruments Incorporated",
					"name2": "Semiconductor",
					"streetAddress": "12500 TI Boulevard",
					"city": "Dallas",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "75243",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Remit To",
					"name1": "For ACH Transfer send to:",
					"name2": "Texas Instruments, c/o Bank of TI",
					"name3": "Bank Acct 12345987",
					"name4": "ABA 111111111",
					"city": "DALLAS",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "75202",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Sold-to Party",
					"partnerIdentifier": "1111111",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "123 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARADO",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Bill-to Party",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "123 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARAOD",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Ship-to Party",
					"partnerIdentifier": "11111",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "123 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDAROAD",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
			"items": [
					"lineItemNumber": "000010",
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"tiPartDescription": "QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE",
					"quantity": "5000.000",
					"unitPrice": "1.00",
					"netPrice": "5,000.00",
					"grossWeight": "8100.000",
					"netWeight": "8100.000",
					"commercialInvoiceNumber": "5490149745",
					"salesOrder": {
						"orderNumber": "1111111111111",
						"lineItemNumber": "000010",
						"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10",
						"customerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber": "1",
						"purchaseOrderDate": "2023-01-13"
					"delivery": {
						"deliveryNumber": "0620549185",
						"deliveryLineItemNumber": "000010",
						"deliveryDate": "2023-04-02",
						"goodsMovementDate": "2023-03-23",
						"grossWeight": "8100.000",
						"netWeight": "8100.000"
					"itemVAT": [
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "6.250",
							"taxAmount": "312.50",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL0000000000"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012400000"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
			"documentType": "CREDIT NOTE",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "11111111111",
			"documentCreatedDate": "2023-03-29",
			"status": "CLEARED",
			"currencyCode": "USD",
			"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10",
			"customerReferenceNumber": "11111111",
			"grossWeight": "8100.000",
			"netWeight": "8100.000",
			"weightUnit": "GRM",
			"documentValue": {
				"totalAmount": "531.25"
			"salesOrder": {
				"orderNumber": "1111111111",
				"lineItemNumber": "000000",
				"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10"
			"paymentTerms": {
				"incoterms1": "FCA",
				"incoterms2": "TI's POINT OF SHIPMENT",
				"termsOfDelivery": "FCA TI's POINT OF SHIPMENT",
				"termsOfPayment": "Net 45 Days from Invoice Date",
				"paymentTermsText": [
						"SupplierPaymentTermsText": "Up to 05/13/2023 without deduction"
			"delivery": {
				"deliveryLineItemNumber": "000000"
			"partners": [
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Sender",
					"name1": "Texas Instruments Incorporated",
					"name2": "Semiconductor",
					"streetAddress": "12500 TI Boulevard",
					"city": "Dallas",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "75243",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Remit To",
					"name1": "For ACH Transfer send to:",
					"name2": "Texas Instruments, c/o Bank of TI",
					"name3": "Bank Acct 123456879",
					"name4": "ABA 111111111",
					"city": "DALLAS",
					"stateRegion": "TX",
					"postalCode": "75202",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Sold-to Party",
					"partnerIdentifier": "111111",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "1234 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARADO",
					"stateRegion": “TX”,
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Bill-to Party",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "1234 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARADO",
					"stateRegion": “TX”,
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
					"partnerTypeDescription": "Ship-to Party",
					"partnerIdentifier": "111111",
					"name1": "ACME WIDGETS INC",
					"streetAddress": "1234 MAIN ST",
					"city": "ELDARADO",
					"stateRegion": “TX”,
					"postalCode": "12345-1234",
					"countryCode": "US"
			"items": [
					"lineItemNumber": "000010",
					"tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
					"tiPartDescription": "QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE",
					"quantity": "5000.000",
					"unitPrice": "0.10",
					"netPrice": "500.00",
					"grossWeight": "8100.000",
					"netWeight": "8100.000",
					"salesOrder": {
						"orderNumber": "1111111111",
						"lineItemNumber": "000010",
						"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "PO_10of10",
						"customerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber": "00010"
					"delivery": {
						"deliveryLineItemNumber": "000000"
					"itemVAT": [
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "6.250",
							"taxAmount": "31.25",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL0000000000"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012400000"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"
							"taxIndicator": "O1",
							"taxRate": "0.000",
							"taxAmount": "0.00",
							"taxJurisdiction": "USIL6012478340"

Step 11: Create remittance advice

The customer’s system can call the remittance advice API to send remittance information in order to create a remittance advice record in the TI enterprise system.

Each request must contain both header and item sections.  Header sections identify customer’s remittance advice, and currency code information.  Item section can contain one or more detailed records, with specific payment and associated financial document information. For more details, see the backlog remittance advice API page.

Request example:

curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://transact-pre.ti.com/v2/backlog/remittance-advice' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-binary @- <<DATA
	"remittanceAdviceNumber": "TestRemit-XYZ",
	"currencyCode": "USD",
	"lineItems": [
			"paymentAmount": "2000",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "1234567890"
			"paymentAmount": "200",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "2345678901"

Response example:

	"supplierRemittanceAdviceIdentifier": "06TestRemit-XYZ",
	"remittanceAdviceNumber": "TestRemit-XYZ",
	"currencyCode": "USD",
	"message": [
			"code": "TI-TXT-012013",
			"type": "SUCCESS",
			"message": "Remittance Advice 06TestRemit-XYZ posted."
	"lineItems": [
			"paymentAmount": "2000",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "1234567890"
			"paymentAmount": "200",
			"financialDocumentNumber": "2345678901"

Step 12: Where to find technical support

For technical support, see the TI E2E™ design support forums or post your question.